Prince Harry calls a mate "Our little Paki friend" and is forced to apologise two years later. This guy was a mate of his for heavens sake!
Am I right in thinking that "Brit" is short for British? Should the Sun newspaper be forced to apologise every time it prints the word Brit or The Brits are Coming? Is the word Brit offensive?
Is "Scot" offensive? "The Scots are coming". Another Sun Newspaper Football Clash Headline classic.
What about Ozzie? Kiwi? Pommie? Limey? Where or when will this lunacy end? The Cornish call all holiday makers "Grockles". Is there anything wrong with that?
If a Pakistani called you "His Brit friend" would you feel offended? Would you demand an apology on national TV ? Of course not.
Reference is made to the "Paki Shop" in one episode of Only Fools and Horses (now overdubbed for UK Gold broadcasting with the offending word taken out). (The episode when they build a nuclear fall-out shelter).
Should Sir David Jason now apologise? Should the writer John Sullivan apologise? Should the BBC apologise?
What about the Fuzzywuzzies (in "Dads Army") ?
What about "You stupid Kraut"? (in Fawlty Towers) ?
Both are still being broadcast regularly with no overdub.
The supreme idiots are at it again trying to stir up racial hatred. It's just madness surely?
I'm happy being a BRIT, BRITISH, ENGLISH, POMMIE BASTARD, LIMEY or whatever. I don't care a fig.
I only care when I'm called a racist.
There's something rotten in the barrel. To all those guilty of this stupid nonsense in government, local politics or anywhere else we all say "GROW UP THE LOT OF YOU".
If you agree, pass this on.
If not then you still have the democratic right to delete it (well for the time being, anyway).
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