Whatever we do, whether it is our gradual conquering of our environment, and now outer space - or something arguably even more impressive - e.g., the systematic genocide of 6 million Jews by the Nazis (ably abetted and encouraged by the Muslims' Mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini) during WWII - it is truly amazing what we human beings are capable of. Certainly it would probably seem axiomatic to the man on the Clapham omnibus, that only someone who was either permanently or temporarily retarded or deranged in some way would be likely to use themselves, or permit themselves to be used by others, as a human bomb - an act which the more perspicacious amongst us would realise would almost certainly lead to one's own death. A more accurate word to use here might be "defective", rather than "retarded" or "deranged". Some might call such an act "evil".
One of the singer Freddie Mercury's swansongs was the beautiful Heaven for Everyone, in which he sang "This could be Heaven for everyone". It probably could be too, were it not for things such as, for example, our fellow human beings commtting horrendous crimes against us.
The thing is, we are doing this to ourselves. Crimes like this, where possibly otherwise innocent (if not retarded/deranged) people are encouraged or used as (possibly unwitting), sacrificial carriers for remotely-detonated bombs - are caused/committed by people who would seem, quite literally, to be hellbent on ensuring that this world will not "...be Heaven for everyone" - or anyone, for that matter.
May God forgive them.
Lest we forget - a footnote about Haj Amin el-Husseini:
- He was the Grand Mufti for Jerusalem. A Mufti is an expert in the Islamic Shari'ah (law) who gives legal judgments called fatwas. In 1921, Haj Amin el-Husseini first began to organize small groups of suicide squads - fedayeen - to terrorize Jews. Haj Amin hoped to duplicate the success of Kemal Atatürk in Turkey by driving the Jews out of Palestine just as Kemal had driven the invading Greeks from his country.
- In 1941, as Grand Mufti and as a prominent Arab representative, he met with Adolf Hitler, Heinrich Himmler, Joachim Von Ribbentrop and other Nazi leaders. He wanted to persuade them to extend the Nazis’ anti-Jewish program to the Arab world. Haj Amin sent Hitler 15 drafts of declarations he wanted Germany and Italy to make concerning the Middle East.
- One draft called on the two countries to declare the illegality of the Jewish home in Palestine. Furthermore, “they accord to Palestine and to other Arab countries the right to solve the problem of the Jewish elements in Palestine and other Arab countries, in accordance with the interest of the Arabs and, by the same method, that the question is now being settled in the Axis countries.”
- The British encouraged the Palestinians to attack the Jews. According to Meinertzhagen, Col. Waters Taylor (financial adviser to the Military Administration in Palestine 1919-23) met with Haj Amin a few days before Easter, in 1920, and told him “he had a great opportunity at Easter to show the world...that Zionism was unpopular not only with the Palestine Administration but in Whitehall and if disturbances of sufficient violence occurred in Jerusalem at Easter, both General Bols [Chief Administrator in Palestine, 1919-20] and General Allenby [Commander of Egyptian Force, 1917-19, then High Commissioner of Egypt] would advocate the abandonment of the Jewish Home. Waters-Taylor explained that freedom could only be attained through violence.”
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